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How to play Takattak?

Tutorial on how to play Takattak

Takattak to develop your repartee skills

Takattak is available in 3 versions. (And soon 4)

  1. Takattak Classique : Aimed at adults and teenagers aged 12 and over, this version features 52 cards for practising your repartee. When faced with derogatory remarks, you'll learn how to respond with finesse and speed. Whether with family, friends or at the office, this game will help you keep your cool and sharpen your tongue.
  2. Takattak À la Récré : This child-friendly version can be played with the family or at school. It features 52 cards to stop you getting pushed around. Give a snappy response when Thomas calls you a fat slob, Laura calls you a smart aleck, or when you're not wanted on the football team.
  3. Takattak Trash : A more daring variant of the game, aimed at teenagers and adults. It allows you to confront more direct and provocative verbal attacks. With 52 cards, it will help you develop your repartee in more challenging situations.
  4. Takapa : A game for children aged 4 and over, to help them learn to set limits and express their disagreements when they're in trouble at school. Due out in November.

Choose the version that suits you best and have fun!

To order your Takattak

It's so easy. You can buy it online.

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Or buy it at a retail outlet.

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