Takattak à la Récré is out!

Vous avez adoré jouer à Takattak ? Vous allez pouvoir en faire profiter vos enfants.
1 November 2023 by
Geneviève Smal
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Takattak À la Récré is all about the pleasure of fighting back, following a guide that shows you the way. It's learning to keep your cool when a friend or foe criticizes you, it's reacting quickly when your sister makes fun of you, it's keeping your cool when a teacher makes the same unjustified remark all year long, it's putting the school bully in his place without escalating the situation.


Takattak À la Récré gives you all the tips you need to fight back while remaining polite, and all the tricks you need to build your self-confidence.

With the Chrono version you'll


- Dare to say out loud what's been tickling you since the start of the school year

- Practise answering very quickly without stammering

- Asserting yourself in the face of playground terrors

- Manage your susceptibility and stay zen in all situations

- Don't care what others think of you

With the Goofy version

- This is the fun version.

- Have you ever thought of singing back?

- We've been told to be polite, but not if we make up swear words.

- Can you mime your answer? Seriously?


And if you mix the two versions, the Rodeo version, it makes for some delirious ripostes.

- A rhyming self-mockery, imagine what it's like!

- Insolence in onomatopoeia? Oh, not that!

And many more surprises to discover.


Being clashed with at playtime? No more.

in Blog
Geneviève Smal 1 November 2023
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