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The bear's cry: the ultimate confidence-booster!

1 November 2023 by
Geneviève Smal
| 1 Comment

They say that confidence comes with experience. With success, with trials overcome, with goals achieved.


But when you're 6, 8 or 10 years old, the experience is like a shoot of grass at the beginning of spring: only promising.

It's not easy, then, to have self-confidence when you haven't had time to accumulate successes. And that's annoying, because confidence is a great help in getting by in life:  

When you need the energy to overcome stage fright, but also to dare to say no to all the people who make (bad) choices for you, and even with others who make really nasty remarks or judge you.... The need for self-confidence is like a superpower, and you need it every day!


- In the playground with Jules pushing us around. Hééé!

- In front of the whole class for our first presentation. Gloups!

- With our brothers or sisters ogling our piece of chocolate. Ho!

- With our over-demanding, even downright creepy teacher. Argh!

- With a "family friend" who's way too close. Yuck!

- With Léon who pricks us with the tip of his pencil. Ouch!

- With our grandparents who constantly criticize our clothes. Um!

-       …


Luckily, there's a trick to building self-confidence.

I'll give it to you just for you. It's called:   


If you're not really comfortable with the idea of going to class, if you dread your classmates' reactions or remarks, or before having to recite a poem in front of everyone... no matter the situation that stresses you out a bit, do this:   

Find a mirror. In your room or in the bathroom, it doesn't matter. Look at yourself closely, and transform into a bear. But not just any bear.

Stand up straight. Both legs slightly apart. Not one forward, no, on the same line. Bear claws firmly planted in the ground. Knees slightly bent.

Little by little, in your head, imagine that you are a bear. Imagine that your buttocks are very low. And mentally, lower them towards the ground.

You are so anchored in the ground that anyone could push you, and you wouldn't move.

Raise your arms to shoulder height, open, not stretched. As if you were very tall, imposing.



And you look into your eyes in the mirror, you don't look away. That's important.

While doing the bear's roar, your arms can move, but the left and right should always have the same movement.


We saved the best for last!

You are a bear, so start growling, then louder and louder. Feel the sound coming from your belly, not just your throat, no, really from the depths of your belly. And after growling, let out a huge AAAAAAAAAAA !!!


All the sounds can come out of your mouth, you can even make faces, because the sounds are so loud!

Go on, louder... Look yourself straight in the face! Keep going for at least two minutes. It may seem long, but you'll see how good it feels!


When you're done, shake yourself a little and continue with your life by walking like Superman or Superwoman. And you can do the exercise again whenever you need it.


There you go, now you know the secret to self-confidence: the bear's roar. You can pass on the trick to your parents because it works very well for adults too: before a job interview, a public speaking engagement... and even before a romantic date!


Alright, let's get started right away: which room has the largest mirror in your place?




in Blog
Geneviève Smal 1 November 2023
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